Walking out of poverty

Walking out of poverty

We know that everyone is feeling the pinch with costs of living and interest rates on the rise but imagine trying to make ends meet on just $35 a week! Due to the pandemic, that’s exactly what’s happened in Cambodia, with the average weekly household income almost halved, dropping from $63 to just $35.

Human & Hope have a vision to see a world where communities experiencing poverty are empowered and developed through locally driven initiatives. How cool to be part of something that empowers people to put on the superhero cape and save themselves?!

Factotum Communications is super proud to supporting our pro bono client, Human & Hope with their annual Walk to Cambodia initiative which aims to help provide quality education programs that pull families from poverty and assists in alleviating inter-generational poverty.

What impact will your donation have?

The funds raised in 2022 helped to provide:

  • 250 community members with attendance at workshops focused on hygiene, road safety, anger management, budgeting and family planning.
  • 100 children with a year of language education, opening a world of opportunities.
  • 10 women with a comprehensive 12-month program enabling them to become financially independent.
  • 10 children with a year of preschool education ensuring they are literate before attending public school.
  • 80 families with agriculture training, mentoring and resources, enabling them to put food on the table.

We believe that everyone has a superhero who stepped in and had an impact at some stage in their life – the primary school teacher who encouraged you to let your creative side shine, your grandmother who showed you how to cook by passing on long held secret family recipes, the manager who helped build your confidence so you could speak up and present your ideas in a public forum.

So, here’s your chance to put on your own cape. If you have some spare lunch money, we would be most appreciative of you beefing up the Factotum team’s contribution for this year’s incredibly worthy campaign. Donate here.

To read more about Human & Hope, their initiatives and being a responsible tourist, head to www.humanandhope.org.

Get cape. Wear cape. Fly.
