The value of boots on the ground
The value of boots on the ground
Australia is a pretty big place, geographically speaking. That’s a lot of ground for our colleagues in the Australian Government to cover!
With our funding partners so far from the day-to-day deliverables, the value of having boots on the ground at the project sites, cannot be underestimated.
If a picture speaks a thousand words, we reckon a site visit has to be worth a million.
A site visit develops the trust and rapport of all involved.
A site visit allows the host to pick up on the cues and nuances that don’t translate over email or a Teams meeting.
A site visit allows the visitor to pull at the threads of interest on site so the host can explain those parts in further detail; often elements that might not have come to mind when putting together your site visit run sheet.
Being all together in person, allows you to be in the moment and solidify a consolidated understanding of the value of the project beyond the scripted key messages.
As we hit World Water Week, we’re reflecting on our experiences hosting on projects, and the satisfaction we get and the support we secure by showcasing our important irrigation projects in full flight.
In case you missed our recent Friday Fivers, here’s our top tips to put your best boot forward when hosting funding partners.
1. Make sure the site is accessible and tidy.
2. Prioritise the time together.
3. Focus on the deliverables that are best explained in person.
4. Have a list of all dietary requirements and coffee orders.
5. Share the takeaways for reporting back to teams.
We’re sure you agree with us when we say that bringing together the funding partners, project teams and organisations involved in a project, creates a deeper engagement and endorsement that money just can’t buy.
Helps the street cred with the team to get a little dust on the steel caps too!
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