Summer Loving

Summer Loving

Aaaaannnnd we’re back.  

Our cups are full(ish) and we’re brimming with creativity and cut-through comms that are guaranteed to light your fire (watch out 2023!) 

As Team Factotum filtered back into our virtual office over recent weeks, it’s been hard not to notice our summer glow. Honestly, if you could bottle it, we’d have powered Parramatta for weeks. How did we get this glowed up? Some jetted overseas to switch off, some hung out at home. Some took weeks off, some took a few days.  

When it comes to a break that fills your cup, everyone does it differently.  

Dr Adam Fraser says there’s a few things you have to get right to make a break restorative; medical reporter and author Sophie Scott recommends “less is more” when it comes to time away from work; while the clever people at the ABC put some time into thinking about how to get the most leave possible each year so the rest of us can benefit! 

What are your thoughts? We felt like we did well this year, so here’s a few top tips from our team about how to get the most out of your next break and inject a little more joy in your life (feel free to file these away for the next long-weekend or perhaps the Easter break?) 

Alana: Have a ritual that signals it’s holiday time. Every year, I head to a local beach with a friend, a book and a picnic. 

Kristen: Take time to reflect on what you have achieved in your year, this sense of achievement will help you switch off and enjoy your holiday with no added guilt! 

Grace: Go somewhere new, even if it’s somewhere relatively local, the excitement of exploring a new place can unlock the child in you and take you away from the everyday.  

Lauren: Do at least one thing that’s just for you – no pressure, no stress and it doesn’t have to be earth shattering. Just one thing that means something to you and makes you happy! (Can recommend trying out cocktail recipes!) 

Kate: It’s taken me a while to get comfortable with the idea that I can “relax” my way. For me – sitting around drives me stir crazy. I much prefer to do some walks in new places or get stuck into little projects that will be a gift to “Future Kate” when it’s time to go back to work.