Closing the (recruitment) loop

Closing the (recruitment) loop: How the Circle Back Initiative can ‘ring’ in positive workplace communication

We have all had the experience of applying for a job, sending out that carefully crafted application and waiting anxiously for a response. You check your inbox daily for that glimmer of hope, yet nothing. The reality is, and maybe even more so post-pandemic, that companies receive such a high volume of applications that responding to each individually is a mammoth task. However, if you are on the receiving end of that “ghosted” application, you can be left questioning if the company actually value communication and respect.

Cue the Circle Back Initiative

The Circle Back Initiative is a collection of superstar employers who have committed to responding to each and every application they receive during the recruitment process. We have joined the team, complete with secret handshake and badge of honour (okay, there is no secret handshake, but we definitely have the badge of honour).

By implementing this initiative, we aim to:

  • Alleviate some of the anxiety that applicants experience by keeping them updated around expected timelines and suitability.
  • Provide honest and transparent communication during the recruitment process by responding when we say we will respond.
  • Ensure applicants are aware that we respect and value the time they have taken to apply.
  • Throw out the generic templated email responses and respond to applicants in an inclusive and respectful manner.

SEEK recently reported job applications have risen 72.6% on March 2022 figures. That means each new job advert is receiving a whole lot of attention and that attention translates to higher volumes of applications.

We won’t lie, taking the time to personally respond to each applicant, regardless of their suitability for the role or likelihood of progressing to interview, takes a huge amount of time, but we think you’re worth it. By following the Circle Back Initiative, we also maintain our company values and that makes us want to do a little happy dance.

So next time you’re on the search for a new job, check to see if the company are committed to the Circle Back Initiative. Look out for the badge of honour!
